Dec 13, 2019
With GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY writer/director James Gunn cemented himself as one of the greatest filmmakers working in Hollywood. (We called it with SLITHER many years earlier but hey- sometimes it takes people a few years to realize that we're always right!) Recorded way back in December of 2014 and released on January 5, 2015, this "Hall Of Fame" episode truly features one of the best conversations you'll ever hear with the now super star director.
There is only 1 more "Hall Of Fame" episode left to go in our limited "Hall Of Fame" series! Want a hint as to which episode it is? Well, it's only the biggest celebrity on planet earth! Now is the time to start supporting THE MOVIE CRYPT on Patreon where for the price of just 1 latte a month you can help keep this podcast going and receive more bonus content than you can possibly listen to! No podcast delivers what we do to say "thank you." For just a few measly dollars each month you can start receiving:
* Access to participate in our weekly "Hollywood Therapy" and "Viewer Mail" segments.
* Bonus monthly commentary episodes (you'll receive access to ALL of our previously released bonus monthly commentary episodes the very moment that you sign up - and man, it's worth it just for the SCREAM and A SERBIAN FILM commentaries alone!).
* Weekly episodes of "Classic Crypt" - our original episodes released in chronological order every Wednesday with newly recorded introductions looking back on the episodes 5+ years later (you'll receive access to ALL of our previously released "Classic Crypt" episodes the very moment you sign up - and that's about 100 episodes just to start you off with!)
* Weekly "Early Access" to every new episode - 2 days before the general public can listen to them!
* Adam & Joe's monthly "Crypt Picks" videos where they recommend the movies, TV shows, books, comics, toys, and other things they are currently enjoying. (You'll love watching these monthly shorts while you discover your new favorite things to obsess over!)
* Adam & Joe's monthly "Crypt Diaries" where the filmmakers and co-hosts get personal and deep dive into whatever is currently on their minds. (Each host releases at least 1 "Crypt Diary" every month!)
* Monthly LIVE episodes! If you've never participated in MOVIE CRYPT LIVE then you are missing out on SO much fun! Our MOVIE CRYPT LIVE family is the absolute best and these lighter, more comedic, and slightly more "blue" episodes are the highlight of every month for so many of us!
* The CULT OF ARWEN! These monthly secret episodes feature the stories we would never dare discuss on the main podcast and are strictly for the most serious, loyal, and dedicated Crypt Keepers. Bound in blood by the circle of trust, Arwen's friends in this elite tier are the reason there is still a MOVIE CRYPT podcast to even speak of.
Other podcasts give you a button, a T-shirt, or a "shout out!" Fuck-ing YAY. Who loves you? Adam Green, Joe Lynch, and Arwen - that's who! So, come on! Sacrifice a virgin a cup of coffee once a month and start supporting THE MOVIE CRYPT today! You can do it. You really, really can.